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Misfits,Outcasts, Eccentrics...


"Thibault has a wonderfully malleable face which transforms from perpetual curiosity to pain and disappointment in a fleeting moment." --Berkshire Fine Arts
"Myra Thibault as Miranda makes us care for her and she is believable"-- Times Square Chronicle
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  I grew up in Narragansett, Rhode Island-- a small and beautiful New England coastal town a couple of bridges away from Newport.


I was voted "Non-Conformist" in my highschool senior yearbook. Of course, I graduated with about 80 people, so it didn't take much to be considered a non-conformist.  All you had to be was left handed or something to earn the title. But I do feel most comfortable playing characters that are a little off beat.  Characters that are outcasts, or a little bit off.  


 I didn't go straight to acting after highschool but had a short stint at the University of Maine studying Forestry, which didn't go over too well.  My love of the outdoors was not enough to carry me through the class where you had to wear a hard hat and take core samples of very frozen trees in mid winter. I also wasn't very good at chewing tobacco like some of my predominantly male classmates . So I decided to move on to the University of North Carolina School of the Arts where I could focus on what I really loved-- Economics!  Just kidding. Acting. I studied acting.

My favorite adjectives that have been used to describe me are "unpredictable, intense, quirky, zany, free spirited, knowing, guarded, mysterious, off-beat, funny, and bumbling."




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